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Sphereon Wallet
Demo Instructions

3. Receiving Credentials from an Issuer

You can receive Verifiable Credential from so called issuers. The wallet has support for multiple open standards to get these Credentials. In these examples the OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OID4VCI) standard is enabled.

  1. Just click on one of the credential card images to jump to the Issuer page.
  2. Then scan the QR-code with your SSI Credential Wallet.

Detailed step-by-step instruction are below the credential cards.

Select and receive a demo VC

Sphereon Guest
Dutch Blockchain Coalition
Future Mobility Dataspace
Triall.io CIX Dataspace

OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OID4VCI) process

The current wallet only supports the new OID4VCI specification (v11) for receipt of credentials. To get a credential issued to the wallet, using OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OpenID4VCI) the following steps can be followed.

Step-by-step instructions

Scan the Verifiable Credential QR-code displayed by the Issuer

  1. Launch the wallet
  2. Navigate to the QR reader at the bottom left.
  3. Choose one of the following demo credentials.
  4. The Sphereon wallet is based on the open W3C standards and is therefor interoperable with several other vendors.The below issuer systems were part of the JFF/W3C-EDU plugfest 2 to show interoperability for OpenID4VCI.
New contact creation

  • The first time you encounter a new Issuer or Verifier, a Contact needs to be created for that party.
  • The Wallet will pre-fill a suggest name. You can change that to something you want.
  • Please note that you have to press the Accept button and make sure the checkbox is enabled.
Select and accept credentials

  • Depending on whether the issuer supports issuing multiple credentials or not, you will have to make a selection.
    • Note: that the current version of the wallet can only accept one credential at a time!
  • Select the credentials you are willing to accept and store in your wallet.
  • Use the Select button to confirm your selection.
Enter a verification pin code (if required)

  • Depending on whether the issuer is requiring a Pincode you will have to enter a pincode.
    • Note: this is not the pincode of your wallet!
  • If the verification code is correct, you will now go to the Credential Offer screen, which is showing you the offered Credential details.
Review the credential details

  • Review the Credential Offer and decide to either Accept or Decline the credential.
  • If you accept the offer you will go to the Verifiable Credenital Overview screen.
Credential overview screen

  • On the Verifiable Credential Overview screen you will see:
    • All your credentials
    • The message: ‘Credential successfully stored’.

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