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Sphereon Wallet
Demo Instructions

The Sphereon Wallet enables you to store your own private data and gives you full and sole control over whom you want to share your information with!

The Sphereon Wallet represents a new class of cutting-edge, open, and privacy-centric applications, ensuring that you maintain exclusive control over your personal information.

Your data is stored nowhere else but on your phone. It enables you to manage your own data. Nobody else will have access to your information, unless you decide you want to share your information with someone else. And what to share.

It enables you to request and receive so-called Verifiable Credentials from official sources, institutions, enterprises, or other organizations. Verifiable credentials are digital records that act as proof of a person’s identity, qualifications, roles, achievements, or other attributes.

1. Download the Sphereon Wallet

Download the Sphereon Wallet from the respective App Store.

2. Onboarding

Since the Wallet is a so-called Self Sovereign Identity Wallet, no information you provide during the onboarding will be shared with any external party. That includes the developer (Sphereon) of the Wallet. You will always be asked when receiving or sharing data with external systems.

The user details you provide during the onboarding are only used for local personalization of the wallet, supporting multiple profiles and future features of the Wallet. There is no e-mail validation or external system involved.

The onboarding process

Launch the Sphereon Wallet
Once you start the Sphereon Wallet the first time you will be greeted by the Welcome screen:

  • Click the button at the bottom and read the Welcome texts.
  • After clicking the button at the bottom on the 3rd screen you will go to the Terms and Conditions screen.
Accept the terms of service

  • Make sure to enable boxes at the bottom, otherwise you will not be able to use the wallet.
  • After clicking Accept you will go to the Personal Details screen next.
Personal details

  • Fill out your personal details to personalize the wallet.
    No information will be shared! All data wil remain on your device!
  • Click on Next:
Choose a pin code

  • Enter a pincode which you need to remember (right now there is no way to recover your pincode!).
  • After you entered 6 digits you will automatically go to the verify pincode screen.
Verify your pin code

  • Enter your pincode a 2nd time for verification.
  • You will then go to the Personal Details overview screen.
Verify the data you entered

  • Review the details. Go back to previous screens if you have made an error.
  • If everything is okay click on the ” Finalize and go to my wallet” button.
Finalizing the wallet setup

  • The wallet is being set up.
Your first credential

  • You will now enter the general Verifiable Credential Overview screen.
  • Congratulations. You have successfully onboarded.
  • You have also created a first self-asserted Verifiable Credential in your Wallet.

3. Receiving Credentials from an Issuer

You can receive Verifiable Credential from so called issuers. The wallet has support for multiple open standards to get these Credentials. Currently on the OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance standard is enabled.

OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OID4VCI) process

The current wallet only supports the new OID4VCI specification for receipt of credentials. To get a credential issued to the wallet, using OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OpenID4VCI) the following steps can be followed.

The below issuer systems were part of the JFF/W3C-EDU plugfest 2 to show interop for OpenID4VCI. Please note that the Verifiable Credentials issued by the below list are just for demo/testing purposes.


Scan the Verifiable Credential QR-code displayed by the Issuer

  1. Launch the wallet
  2. Navigate to the QR reader at the bottom left.
  3. Scan one of the QR codes of the following issuers
New contact creation

  • The first time you encounter a new Issuer or Verifier, a Contact needs to be created for that party.
  • The Wallet will pre-fill a suggest name. You can change that to something you want.
  • Please note that you have to press the Accept button and make sure the checkbox is enabled.
Select and accept credentials

  • Depending on whether the issuer supports issuing multiple credentials or not, you will have to make a selection.
    • Note: that the current version of the wallet can only accept one credential at a time!
  • Select the credentials you are willing to accept and store in your wallet.
  • Use the Select button to confirm your selection.
Enter a verification pin code (if required)

  • Depending on whether the issuer is requiring a Pincode you will have to enter a pincode.
    • Note: this is not the pincode of your wallet!
  • If the verification code is correct, you will now go to the Credential Offer screen, which is showing you the offered Credential details.
Review the credential details

  • Review the Credential Offer and decide to either Accept or Decline the credential.
  • If you accept the offer you will go to the Verifiable Credenital Overview screen.
Credential overview screen

  • On the Verifiable Credential Overview screen you will see:
    • All your credentials
    • The message: ‘Credential successfully stored’.

4. Sharing Credentials with a Verifier

You can share Verifiable Credentials with so called Verifiers or Relying Parties. The wallet has support for multiple open standards to share these Credentials. Currently on the OpenID for Verifiable Presentations standard is enabled.

OpenID for Verifiable Presentations (OID4VP) process

The current wallet supports the new OID4VP specification for sharing credentials. To share a credential from the wallet with the Verifier, using OpenID for Verifiable Presentations (OID4VP) the following steps can be followed.

Please note that the Verifiable Credentials shared with the below list should only be used for demo/testing purposes.

Credential overview screen

  1. Launch the wallet.
  2. Navigate to the QR reader at the bottom left.
  3. Scan one of the QR codes of the following verifiers:
New contact creation

  • The first time you encounter a new Issuer or Verifier, a Contact needs to be created for that party.
  • The Wallet will pre-fill a suggest name. You can change that to something you want.
  • Please note that you have to press the Accept button and make sure the checkbox is enabled.

You will now go to the overview screen from where you will have to select the required Verifiable Credentials from your wallet. An error will be displayed if the Verifier is asking information not present in your wallet.

Select a required credentials

  • You need to click on the list items in the screen showing the “Select a credential” message.

Note: The texts in these list items come from the Verifier and should provide you with hints on why the information is needed.

After you click on a single list-item for a specific input requirement, you will go to the overview screen of available Verifiable Credentials that can satisfy this requirement.

Select a credential from the wallet

  • On the available credentials screen you can directly touch/select the Credential using the image or checkbox.
  • Or you can click on the text next to it, to actually view the details of the Credential.
Review Credential details

  • When you can click on the text next to it, you actually view the details of the Credential.
  • You will see 1 credential selected.
  • Use the Select button to select this credential for sharing.


Note: the current version of the wallet only supports 1 credential per input requirement, but does support multiple input requirements from a Verifier.


Share Credential

  • You will now see 1 credential selected.
  • The share button should now be enabled and you should see a green checkmark next to the input requirement.
  • Press the Share button to actually share this credential with the Verifier.


Credential successfully shared

  • The credential has now been successfully shared with the Verifier.
  • Typically the Verifier system where you first scanned the QR-code will now respond and show you some message or change it’s UI-screen.


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