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Digital Product Passports

Digital Product Passports (DPPs) are becoming essential in the modern global economy, playing a pivotal role in improving trust in a product’s lifecycle. DPPs are vital for achieving greater transparency, facilitating circular economy practices and proving sustainability goals.

What are Digital Product Passports?

A Digital Product Passport (DPPs) contains a digital record of the whole lifecycle of a product: from its origins to consumption or end-of-life.

They contain information that includes details about the production or growth, materials, sources, usage guidelines, through to end-of-life stages, including and recycling and re-use.

Digital Product Passport are decentralized cloud-based applications that are secure and privacy-preserving.

Explore how Sphereon tailors digital product passports for your business, we invite you to get in touch: Contact us

Benefits of Digital Product Passports

Digital Product Passports (DPPs) offer a range of benefits, including enhanced transparency, improved sustainability, regulatory compliance, and increased consumer trust:

  • Enhanced Transparency: DPPs provide a detailed account of a product’s journey and its components, accessible by authorized stakeholders across the supply chain.

  • Improved Sustainability: These passports support efficient resource management by providing necessary data for responsible sourcing and production, as well as effective recycling and repurposing of products.

  • Regulatory Compliance: DPPs help businesses meet stringent global and regional environmental standards, avoiding penalties and reducing compliance costs.

  • Consumer Trust: Access to a product’s history and provenance will enhance consumer trust and influence purchasing decisions, as customers are increasingly favor brands with transparent and responsible practices.

Sphereon delivers DPP solutions based on open standards and open-source technologies, which ensures the interoperability, privacy and immutability of the data.

Sphereon’s DPP applications enable organizations to provide transparency and prove their commitments to sustainability, whilst protecting their confidential information.

Mandatory EU Regulations

The European Union has been actively developing regulations that mandate the use of Digital Product Passports (DPPs) to promote sustainable and transparent business practices across its member states.

The Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) is a pivotal component of the European Green Deal. This regulation stipulates the implementation of DPPs, which will enhance product lifecycle transparency by providing detailed information about the sustainability aspects, including the environmental impact, durability, and reparability of products.

The ESPR is designed to integrate a broad spectrum of product groups under its umbrella, setting forth requirements that not only aim for energy efficiency and circularity but also enforce the incorporation of sustainable practices in the production phase. By 2030, the implementation of this framework is projected to yield significant energy savings, effectively reducing the EU’s energy dependence and promoting environmental sustainability.

Businesses operating within the EU or exporting to the EU must adopt DPPs. Not only to comply with these emerging regulations but to also leverage the advantages of enhanced market perception and consumer trust.

Sphereon’s expertise and tools can help businesses navigate this evolving regulatory environment, turning compliance into a strategic advantage.

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